Application Examples - Transformers

Application examples with Model Files available.
Field loss in power transformer (TEAM Problem 21a)
Shielding can be used to substantially reduce magnetic field strengths outside of a transformer. Considerations, such as its electric properties and geometry, are needed to determine the type of shielding required. Presented here is Simcenter MAGNET's analysis of the second set of configurations from the family of benchmarks involving two exciting coils directed in opposite directions and shielded by a non-magnetic steel plate. The steel plate has four configurations; no slot, one slot, two slots and three slots. The eddy current losses are compared in all configurations to measured results. By taking advantage of symmetry present in the geometry, only a quarter of the model can be modelled which decreases the time required to complete the simulation.

The following is based on the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods (TEAM) Problem #21: 3-D Stray Field Loss Model: Benchmark Family. The benchmark can be found on the International Compumag Society's website (TEAM Problems).

Stray-field loss in power transformer
Shielding can be used to substantially reduce magnetic field strengths outside of a transformer. The electric properties and geometry determine what type of shielding is required. The focus of this example is calculating stray-field loss in a shielding plate.

The following is based on the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods (TEAM) problem #21: 3-D Stray Field Loss Model. The benchmark can be found on the International Compumag Society's website (TEAM Problems).

3-phase Transformer
The model presented here is the simulated results of the ohmic losses and flux density of a 3 phase transformer with a three limbed paramagnetic core. The symmetry in the z-axis has been used to minimise the problem size and accelerate solution time. The coils are made of three concentric layers of different thickness.

Improved iron loss prediction in transformers
Accurate loss prediction with minimal solution time is desirable in power transformer design. However, it requires rigorous handling of nonlinearities, which is performed by Simcenter MAGNET's transient solvers at the cost of long solution times. The sheer size of these power devices, and the inherent 3D analyses, further increase the solution times. This example shows that a Simcenter MAGNET time-harmonic solver can predict the same losses as a transient solver within a fraction of the time. A 95% reduction in solution time was achieved in this example of a 100 kVA single-phase distribution transformer.

Transformer bushings
Capacitive bushings are often used to improve the field distribution inside of transformers. They can be used to grade the voltage down gradually from high voltage conductors. The design and simulation of transformer bushings have always been challenging because modeling these structures has been computationally quite expensive, especially in 3D, due to the fine mesh required for the long and very thin pieces of foil present in these devices. Presented here is a 2D Simcenter MAGNET Electric model of capacitive bushings placed inside of an oil-insulated transformer. The model uses floating electrodes on component surfaces to readily solve the computational time aspect of the problem.

Application Examples - Transformers
Other application examples (report only)
Field loss in power transformer (T.E.A.M. Problem 21)
Shielding can be used to substantially reduce magnetic field strengths outside of a transformer. Considerations, such as its electric properties and geometry, are needed to determine the type of shielding required. Presented here is Simcenter MAGNET's analysis of the first set of configurations from the family of benchmarks involving two exciting coils directed in opposite directions and shielded by magnetic steel plates.The magnetic shield has two configurations; one large magnetic steel plate or two smaller magnetic steel plates, where one of the plates has a rectangular hole. The simulated nonlinear eddy current and hysteresis losses are compared to measured results.

Stray loss reduction of a power transformer by employing wall shunts
Shielding can be used to substantially reduce magnetic field strengths outside of a transformer. Considerations, such as its electric properties and geometry, are needed to determine the type of shielding required. Presented here is Simcenter MAGNET's analysis of the first set of configurations from the family of benchmarks involving two exciting coils directed in opposite directions and shielded by magnetic steel plates.The magnetic shield has two configurations; one large magnetic steel plate or two smaller magnetic steel plates, where one of the plates has a rectangular hole. The simulated nonlinear eddy current and hysteresis losses are compared to measured results.

Stray loss reduction of a power transformer by employing wall shunts
Calculating stray losses in power transformer tanks and clamps is an important design characteristic to consider. However the standard approach requires modelling skin effects in 3D which requires a very fine mesh. This can significantly increase the solution time making the simulation impractical to perform at times.