Field loss in power transformer (TEAM Problem 21a)Shielding can be used to substantially reduce magnetic field strengths outside of a transformer. Considerations, such as its electric properties and geometry, are needed to determine the type of shielding required. Presented here is Simcenter MAGNET's analysis of the second set of configurations from the family of benchmarks involving two exciting coils directed in opposite directions and shielded by a non-magnetic steel plate. The steel plate has four configurations; no slot, one slot, two slots and three slots. The eddy current losses are compared in all configurations to measured results. By taking advantage of symmetry present in the geometry, only a quarter of the model can be modelled which decreases the time required to complete the simulation.
The following is based on the Testing Electromagnetic Analysis Methods (TEAM) Problem #21: 3-D Stray Field Loss Model: Benchmark Family. The benchmark can be found on the International Compumag Society's website (
TEAM Problems).